Hyperion Insights Presents
We are thrilled to introduce the launch of our Insight Series, where words matter, quality counts, and our professionals openly share their knowledge and experience on the latest trends, changes, and research in law firm and corporate legal technology and business management issues. We do not try to be all things to all people, and focus only on the areas that we believe we know better than anyone else. Our experts @hyperiongp (link to social media) represent the legal industry’s most experienced business and technology thought leaders.
As part of our on-going Insights platform, expect to experience:
When you have questions, our experts are there to provide answers. Leadership is about confidence in your knowledge and experience, but it is also about making things happen. So we invite you to share your challenges and engage with our experts for advice, guidance, and insight to deal with the leading challenges of our time.
We work with the world’s leading law firms and corporations. We’ll use this platform to share our Insights and experiences, the trails blazed and the lessons learned. In the areas we practice, we’ve done it before, and we’re here to help you do it, too. Follow us for Insight on legal market intelligence, solution landscapes, best-of-breed technologies, and the industry’s most successful operational initiatives.
We focus on providing pragmatic, actionable, and specific advice and counsel. When it comes to best practices, we’ve generally developed them. We’re building a community focused on sharing, collaborating, and implementing practice improvement initiatives – and hope you’ll join us to add your thoughts, experiences, trials and tribulations to bring real change and growth to our profession!
Who are our Insighters?
Eyal Iffergan is the Managing Principal of Hyperion Global Partners. Eyal is well-recognized for his years of experience advising to the legal and intellectual property business communities. He has worked with many of the world’s leading law firms and corporations to manage the business of law and achieve operational excellence.
Ralph Schroeder is a Managing Director of Hyperion Global Partners. He leads the Hyperion Research Unit, and is Co-Leader of the Intellectual Property Management consulting practice. Ralph is a recognized expert in the legal industry, with over 15 years of experience gained from working with leading corporate law departments, law firms and solution providers.
Garvin Fouts is a Managing Director of Hyperion Global Partners. He leads the Workflow and Automation practice. Garvin has over 15 years of experience providing development, project management, tactical and strategic guidance for firms around the world implementing Business Process Automation and Workflow Solutions across all leading technology platforms.
Join us here on our new Insights landing page, and find us online at @HyperionGP, facebook and twitter to join the conversation and elevate the discourse.