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Hyperion Research

Steering Your Workflow Automation Journey

May 15, 2024

As pointed out in previous posts in this series, the promise of low/no code (LNC) workflow automation (WFA) paired with the wide range of use cases contribute to momentum that...

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Starting Simple and Going Big with Workflow Automation

May 01, 2024

While low code and no code workflow automation technology solutions are not new, corporate legal departments are expanding their use. Not only by making initial investments in the...

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Legal Departments are Embracing Workflow Automation

April 24, 2024

In-house law departments have long faced rising workloads while coping with budget pressures, as the demands on their teams often outstrip expansion of the function. These...

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"Unmuck" Your Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) System

July 17, 2023

Frustrated and overwhelmed with your contracting technology deployment? No matter where you are in your contract technology journey, here is some practical advice from individuals...

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Practical Advice and Use Cases for Workflow Automation Implementation

June 28, 2023

Researching, choosing, and implementing a workflow automation tool can be overwhelming. Your leadership might theoretically see the value of such a tool, your team might agree...

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Did You Mean to Buy That? Advice for Billing Non-Compliance

May 30, 2023

"Did we mean to buy that?” This is, fundamentally, the question that Legal Operations professionals often want to ask their litigation team stakeholders. To succeed, Legal...

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Streamline Your Process with a Legal RFP Management Team

March 16, 2023

Which firm is the best fit for this matter? How much is it going to cost?Corporate law departments must answer these two crucial questions at the start of every matter, and it’s...

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10 Outside Counsel Guideline Practices for Strong Operational Relationships

March 13, 2023

For in-house legal departments, relationships with Outside Counsel are integral to the overall management of matters and outcomes. A solid relationship creates synergy and...

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Legal Operations Benchmarking; Impact of Legal Operations Function

November 03, 2022

The Hyperion Research 2022 Legal Operation Benchmarking study underscores the continued growth in the prevalence of dedicated legal ops professionals in corporate legal...

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IPBM: The Unifying Framework Behind IP Management

September 15, 2022

The first two installments in this series explained the evolution of the Intellectual Property Business Management (IPBM) model, noting that it is not a platform or “collaboration...

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